Rambo Gun (again)

Another photo of the Rambo Gun (read more on this here). Can’t help think that the Rambo Gun needs it’s own page or at least a tag and probably video showing it works, as well as what it is for, i.e. as part of creating the pneumatic muscles that make many of Jim’s figures move:

Galerie Littmann Unnatural Bodies Book (1989?)

I think this book was published by Galerie Litmann for Jim’s 1989 Unnatural Bodies show in Berlin based on the biographie in the back, although the World Cat database has 2 entries for 1988 (603554977) and 1989 (501132527). The book is credited as been authored by Jim and Jürg Bauer, and includes photo credits (fotonachweis) for Christian Bauer and Andrea Capella, as well as Enrico Luisoni (alles anderen photos). I found a copy for sale on the Ricardo.ch site, which explains that the photographs are of Jim’s installation at Galerie Klaus Littmann in Basel (1988). I have included some of the photos below and also the signed first page of my copy that includes my ‘Qualified Rambo Gunner’ certificate dated 1991, which is when I was helping Jim on his Unnatural Bodies (6) show in Ars Electronica, Linz (see more on the Rambo gun here).

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The Rambo Gun

On the left is a keyring of miniture Rambo Gun that Jim gave out last night to former helpers who met in London while he and another former helper were in the UK. I think the one on the right is the original protoype and photograph was taken by Douglas Cape (you can see more photos of Jim, his work and team here). I’m pretty sure that the Rambo Gun got its name because I used pose when using it like Sylvester Stallone.

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