Café Table

Found this clip of the Café Table carousell-like machine on Instagram that lifts up as it spins. It looks slicker than the one I remember and the legs don’t seem to stretcg outwards as it spins. Judging by the black curtains I am guessing it is one of his pieces that are part of his Mechanical Theatre installation at the Swarovski Crystal Worlds commissioned by André Heller in 2007 (see more here):

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More Jim Whiting Artwork

‘Artwork’ being auctioned here that seem all connected to when collaborating with Basel art gallery owner Klaus Littmann in late 80s and 90s. The collection includes some lithographic prints of Jim’s sketches, what seems like a catalogue-like ‘Report’ of his work linked to Galarie Littmann and copy of the poster by Jean Tinguely from 1988 show at the gallery posted about previously (see here).

Jim Whiting Art for Sale?

I have seen the above artwork for sale or having been sold claiming to be by Jim Whiting on sites like Artnet, Mutual Art and elswhere. I would be fascinated to understand their provenance and not least because one thing I remember about Jim is that he doesn’t really sell his work, other than his big Mechanical Theatre installations for Luna Luna and Swarovski Crystal Worlds both commissioned by André Heller, neither of which seem to be operational any longer sadly. I know he has gifted some of his works including the one I have in the photo below, which needs to be restored so that is operational with the cicuit board I commissioned from Dave Buckley who helped Jim with control systems for his various installations over the years (see below).

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Bimbotown Basel 1993

Video from YouTube with the following description that translates as impressions from the Bimbo Town Club in the former Basel garment dyeing factory (Stückfärberei). Also explaining that this was the first version of Bimbo Town running from 1992 to 1994 in Leipzig.