Café Table

Found this clip of the Café Table carousell-like machine on Instagram that lifts up as it spins. It looks slicker than the one I remember and the legs don’t seem to stretcg outwards as it spins. Judging by the black curtains I am guessing it is one of his pieces that are part of his Mechanical Theatre installation at the Swarovski Crystal Worlds commissioned by André Heller in 2007 (see more here):

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Bimbotown Basel 1993

Video from YouTube with the following description that translates as impressions from the Bimbo Town Club in the former Basel garment dyeing factory (Stückfärberei). Also explaining that this was the first version of Bimbo Town running from 1992 to 1994 in Leipzig.

Various Works from Bimbotown

All of these videos were found on Jim’s Vimeo channel. None of them explicitly say they are shot at Bimbotown venues but I remember seeing them at the one I visited in Liepzig in 2011. The one above is titled Gobbling Sofa and description is as follows:

Automated sofa waits till two guests are seated, then ‘gobbles’ them down so that they end up on ride which slowly takes them round a tall circular art slide gallery. Suddenly they are ejected onto a ‘bumpy-bed’.

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Flucht – MIB Leipzig

Another video from Jim’s Vimeo channel. No date but title mentions ‘MIB Leipzig’ so I am guessing the show can be indentified. Description as follows: Robots made of Tyre inner tubes, equipped with sensors and processors to detect people and map the space.

Small Bird

Another video from Jim’s Vimeo channel with date or venue. Description as follows: “a bird made of steel, cane, motor, and plastic. It is able to propel itself in a circle by the beating of it’s wings. It is attached to a swivelling branch of a steel tree.”

Walking Women – Coburg

Another video from Jim’s Vimeo channel. There is no date or venue although title includes Coburg which is German town, so may have been more semi-recent exhibit. Description is as follows: Metal Figure. Attempt at simulating walking female figure, with hip and pelvis movement. Walking motion is through traction of metal shoes on floor.